Friday, August 12, 2011

Small Business Mobile Marketing On The Rise...

80% of Small and Medium Sized Businesses Will Invest in Mobile Marketing This year...

Mobile Marketing 80% of Small and Medium Sized Businesses Will Invest in Mobile Marketing This year

By the end of 2011, approximately eight in ten small and medium-sized businesses in the United States will pony up and invest in some form of mobile marketing.
As the findings of a new survey conducted by Borrell Associates reveals, 83% of respondents either plan to invest or already have invested a portion of their yearly marketing budget into the mobile channel.
A majority of respondents admit that mobile marketing now captures at least 20% of their total marketing budget for the year.

“It’s fascinating the way this is evolving, and that small businesses are getting on board so quickly with mobile,” Kip Cassino, author of the report, tells Click Z “Historically the small guys wait until the technology gets cheaper and the roadmap is a little more clear; that’s how it was with online. These guys aren’t waiting. They’re plunging in, and for the most part they’re doing so without many metrics.”
The emergent popularity of “daily deals” is seen as a powerful if not primary source of inspiration behind the small business community’s escalating investment into mobile marketing and its myriad tools.

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